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宋 枫

  • 职称/职务:教授 博导 吴玉章学者
  • 研究领域: 能源经济与政策
  • 办公室:明德主楼409C
  • E-mail: songfeng@ruc.edu.cn


2005年8月-2010年8月 美国密歇根州立大学 农业经济系 获得农业经济学博士学位

2002年9月-2005年7月 中国吉林大学 经济系 获得经济学硕士学位

1998年9月-2002年7月 中国吉林大学 经济系 获得国际贸易学士学位


2021年9月-至今 中国人民大学应用经济学院 教授

2019年3月-2021年8月 中国人民大学应用经济学院 副教授

2013年9月-2019年3月 中国人民大学经济学院 副教授

2010年8月-2013年8月 中国人民大学经济学院 讲师

2005年8月-2010 年8月 美国密歇根州立大学 农业经济系 助研



Cui, Jian,Feng Song*and Zhigao Jiang. 2022. Efficiency vs. equity as China's national carbon market meets provincial electricity markets.China Economic Review, 101915.

Chen, Hao, Jian Cui,Feng Song*and Zhigao Jiang. 2022. Evaluating the impacts of reforming and integrating China's electricity sector.Energy Economics. 108, 105912.

Song, Feng, Lingling Hou and Fang Xia. 2022. Evaluating the External Effect of Wind Power Development on Grassland Quality.Land Economics.

Song, Feng, Jian Cui and Yihua Yu*. 2022. Dynamic volatility spillover effects between wind and solar power generations: Implications for hedging strategies and a sustainable power sector.Economic Modelling, 106036.

Song, Feng,Zichao Yu*, Weiting Zhuang and Ao Lu. 2021. The institutional logic of wind energy integration: What can China learn from the United States to reduce wind curtailment?.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 137, 110440.

Xia, Fang, Xi Lu andFeng Song*. 2020. The Role of Feed-in-Tariff in the Curtailment of Wind Power in China.Energy Economics. 86, 104661.

Zhao, Yong, Xunpeng Shi andFeng Song*. 2020. Has Chinese outward foreign direct investment in energy enhanced China’senergy security?Energy Policy. 146, 111803.

Feng Song, Thomas Reardonb, Xin Tian, Chen Lin. 2019. The energy implication of China’s food system transformation.Applied Energy.240. 617-629.

Feng Song, De Bi, Chu Wei. 2019. Market segmentation and wind curtailment: An empirical analysis.Energy Policy.132. 831-838.

Wu, Shimei, Xinye Zheng andFeng Song*. 2019. Direct and Indirect Effects of Energy-Intensive Industries on Energy Consumption in China.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.55(6), 1216-1228.

Song, Feng and Yihua, Yu. 2018.Modeling energy efficiency in China: a fixed-effects panel stochastic frontier approach.Economics and Political Studies. 6(2). 2018

Xia, Fang and Feng Song*. 2017. The Uneven Development of Wind Power in China: Determinants and the Role of Supporting Policies.Energy Economics.67, pp.278-286

Xia, Fang and Feng Song*. 2017. Evaluating the economic impact of wind power development on local economies in China.Energy Policy.110, 263-270.

Zheng, Xinye, Feng Song, Yihua Yu, and Shunfeng Song.2015.In search of fiscal interactions in China: a spatial analysis of Chinese provincial infrastructure spending.Review of Development Economics19(4):860-877.

Yu, Yihua, Yonghui Zang, and Feng Song*. 2015.World energy intensity convergence revisited: a cluster analysis.Applied Economics Letters22141158-1169.

Guo, Jin, Xinye Zheng and Feng Song.2015.The Resource Curse and Its Transmission Channels: An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Cities Panel Data.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.52(6), 1325-1334.

Zheng, X., Wei, C., Qin, P., Guo, J., Yu, Y., Song, F., Chen, Z. 2014 Characteristics of Residential Energy Consumption in China: Findings from a Household Survey.Energy Policy75:126-135.

Song, Feng, Zheng Xinye. What drives the change in China’s energy intensity: Combining decomposition analysis and econometric analysis at the provincial level. 2012.Energy Policy51(12).

Feng Song and Wang Lili. Analysis of regional difference in China’s energy efficiency.Resource Science(in Chinese), 2012, 2.

Song, Feng., Jinhua Zhao .and Swinton. Scott, Switching to Perennial Energy Crops under Uncertainty and Costly Reversibility.2011.American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(3),

Song, Feng Scott Swinton. 2009.Returns to Integrated Pest Management Research and Outreach for Soybean Aphid.”Journal of Entomology Economics, 102(6).






